Entries in networking (3)


Create a Well-Attended Tweetup

Tweetups are all the rage. You get to finally meet the people behind the tweets and have a real conversation. Right now, I'm honored to help coordinate the tweetup for the 2nd Social Recruiting Summit.

Here are my insider tips on how to organize a successful tweetup:

  • Give yourself at least two weeks to plan and an additional month to promote your tweetup. Tweetups usually fail because of poor planning and marketing.

  • Work with a colleague that you can depend on who may also have an interest in the success of this tweetup. This may help generate better ideas and give you an accountability partner.

  • Schedule your tweetup during a conference or before a larger event. It reduces the amount of promotion that you will have to do all on your own. You can personally invite the speakers, organizers and other sponsors to attend and promote your tweetup as well.

  • The best time to have a tweetup is after normal working hours like at 6PM. Motivational beverages usually help spark conversations.

  • Work with the venue in advance to offer free or discounted food and beverages to your guests. You can promote this as well to get more interest in your tweetup and it will benefit the venue.

  • Give the attendees free WiFi. It may seem like a no-brainer, however, I have attended tweetups where it was impossible to tweet. You can always work with a wireless vendor or pick a free WiFi hotspot.

  • Create an invitation using Twtvite. It displays the hashtag that you are using for the meetup, who has RSVP'ed, location of the tweet via Google Maps, allows you to share this invite to other social networks, all of the other important details and most importantly, it's free. You can also print name tags using people's familiar Twitter names and avatars.

  • Leverage your other non-Twitter networks, like LinkedIn or Ning Groups. You can easily find other professional groups with members who may also wish to attend your tweetup, even if they are not active on Twitter.

  • Pick up the phone and reach out to those who you truly want to be there. I appreciate it when someone calls or even emails me directly about an upcoming event.

  • Take photos at the tweetup and follow up afterwards with a link to a photo album via Flickr or on Facebook. This will help maintain the friendships online and in-person.

So get started and don't forget to invite me, @jennydevaughn.


Will @ewmonster Attend Recruitfest?

While at the ERE Fall Expo, I had the opportunity to spend more time with Eric Winegardner, also known as @ewmonster. Eric is an active networker to say the least.

I heard a rumor that Eric was also attending Recruitfest so I went to the source. Scott Wilde also helps me with this inquiry.

Off camera, we discussed the importance of attending conferences. You gain awareness into our industry that you simply cannot learn at your desk. The in-person networking has unlimited ROI.

There's still time, so Eric and I hope to see you at Recruitfest.



Who's Got Your Back?

It was a pleasure to attend the ERE Fall Expo. During the events, it was clear that people were committed to building stronger relationships. I was impressed with the non-stop networking, referrals and the best practices that were shared.

It reminded me of Keith Ferrazzi's latest book, Who’s Got Your Back.  Keith discusses the value of having three trusted relationships who will hold you accountable, offer mutually beneficial relationships and unbiased feedback in order to reach your true potential.

In this fast-paced digital world of connecting through several social media networks, is it better to have three true lifelines or an extensive reach of millions?