Entries in People Report (1)


Change the World in 15 Minutes

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the People Report Workforce Symposium. It was well-organized by Joni Thomas Doolin and her dedicated People Report team. There were many other attendees and speakers who influenced me with their motivational stories.

Photo Credits: Leigh Caraccioli

I'm grateful that my paths crossed with Nate St. Pierre. Nate created a global community called, It Starts With Us. His goal was to simply, "Change the World". Each week, Nate provides a 15 minute assignment focused on helping others in a fun way. Since its conception, Nate demonstrates his servant leadership skills and humble personality that continues to attract others to this worldwide movement.

The It Starts With Us team grows and gives encouragement to those who need hope. Nate also created a Love Bomb team that supports others online too. Opportunities to help strangers truly put your own blessings into perspective.

The impact of the It Starts With Us revolution is hard to ignore. Nate complied an e-book to share some of these stories from the weekly missions last year. They are heartwarming and demonstrate the power that we have to change the world in just 15 minutes a week. Follow Nate on Twitter at @ItStartsWithUs and view the other world changing tweets at #ISWU.